Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Life's so unfair.

"Because out of nowhere, suddenly some weird person reminded me of how i was when writing was the best thing for me ever. Those days when i used to pour down everything, my every emotion, frustration, sadness, anger, guilt, or even happiness. How it all used to make me happy. Somewhere, i was reminded of how much have i changed, from being someone so crazy about writing to a complete different person who's just thinking and thinking and thinking, and not letting it out. What happened to me? Where did the smile go? It's like shouting at the top of my voice and no one seems to hear me. It's like drowning in the middle of the sea, where there is so much of life around, but no life within me. How could i be so stupid to let someone do this to me, to influence my mind, my heart so badly? Maybe i just turned out to be too good for the rest of the people, who don't even deserve it. I value happiness. I value my friends, family. I value all the things that i have in my life. But suddenly nobody seems to value me, nothing seems to bother anybody.I don't know if i'm making sense, but life is weird, too weird to be true."

Devastation, being hurt, being broken, frustration, anger, there are so many negative emotions that we go through everyday. But it's somehow really stupid, how we expect out lives to be perfect, isn't it? It can never actually be perfect. We just have to make it perfect. We need to give ourselves our own made happy ending. Because nobody will do that for you. Because that is how life works. :)

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